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Practice bidding and playing Stayman and transfers with your friends. 24 hands with an explanation in the accompanying booklet. You’ll be an expert in no time!
A concise summary of the Acol system, designed for quick reference at the bridge table.
Play the hands with friends and then read the analysis in the book.
Play the hands with friends and then read the analysis in the book. Includes cards.
A concise summary of the Acol system, designed for quick reference at the bridge table
Banish your fears. Sections on bidding, declarer play and defence.
How do we defeat this contract? Learn about leads, signals, and general defensive skills.
I bet you don’t double enough! Learn how to use this amazingly useful weapon fearlessly at all levels.
Learn to bid accurately over notrump openings. Transfers in particular are a vital tool.
What makes a strong hand? It’s not necessarily points. Learn the techniques to find out if slam is probable.
24 tips with hands to set up and play at home. Tips from experts covering all types of topics. A great present for your bridge partner.
Many players give up too quickly in the auction. Learn when to bid a lot and when not to!
Make life difficult for your opponents! Weak two bids, pre-empts, and a new structure of strong openings
The play of the of the hand is just as important as bidding. Don’t neglect this area of your game.
This is a book for the more experienced players. Make sure that you and your partner are on the same wavelength.
The full set of our books. Save over 25%.
The Director’s Flipper is ‘an easy guide to the laws of Bridge’.
The Mah Jong flipper is ‘a quick reference to common combinations’.
200 pages.
100% plastic. Long lasting.
By Paul Marston
A High-quality card-themed pen.
Essential for Bridge at home.
Entertaining two or three tables? These cards help you organise the players so that you swap partnerships.
A fun card to send to your Bridge partner.
Easy to use and impossible for opponents to see your cards!